After School Athletics
San Ramon Valley Christian Academy exists to honor God.
We encourage our students to participate in our middle school's after school's athletic program. As a member of our SRVCA teams, students will learn about competition with the same Biblical Worldview we use in the classroom. They are encouraged to practice hard, work as a team, respect their opponent and win with humility or lose with graciousness. All athletes must remember that when they compete they represent Christ as well as their school, team and family.
The athletic program at San Ramon Valley Christian Academy is an extension of our academic and physical education program.
We want to develop each student’s heart, mind, body and soul. After school athletics gives students another way, outside the classroom, to work on these areas. Participation on our teams is a privilege for students that are interested, have the ability, and right attitude. Athletes are required to maintain a minimum GPA as well as model conduct above reproach in the classroom and on the playing field.
At SRVCA, we encourage all students to be part of our athletic program.
Some of our teams require tryouts based on the number of students interested in playing. Whenever possible, we want to give students the opportunity to be an athletic team member. Each player on the teams will receive playing time throughout the season; however, not all playing time will be equal. Participating in interscholastic athletics is a positive experience that encourages each student athlete to do his or her best while working to improve their skills through dedicated coaching.
The SRVCA teams play in a competitive league with other Christian schools.
Our teams play in a competitive league (BASCAL) with other Christian schools. The Bay Area Christian School Athletic League is a non-profit organization serving the San Francisco Bay Area’s Christian junior high athletic programs. The league consists of 22 schools divided into 4 divisions (North, East, West & South). Each division plays the schools local to them and the playoffs may be held as far north as Vallejo or as far south as Scotts Valley.